Get Your Ex Back: A Comprehensive Guide to Free Spells

Spells to Get My ex Back In USA
3 min readAug 26, 2023


Get Your Ex Back: A Comprehensive Guide to Free Spells

Free spells to get your ex back

Getting your ex back can be a challenging and emotional process. While there are no guarantees, some people believe in the power of spells to help manifest their desires. In this article, we will explore some free spells that you can try if you are looking to get your ex back.

Spell 1: Love Candle Spell

Gather the following items: a red candle, a photo of you and your ex, a piece of paper, a pen, and a lighter or matches.

Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can perform the spell without interruptions.

Light the red candle and place it in front of you.

Write down your intentions on the piece of paper, focusing on what you want to achieve in your relationship with your ex.

Hold the photo of you and your ex in your hands and visualize a positive and loving reunion.

Place the photo on top of the piece of paper and fold it in half.

Light the folded paper with the candle flame and let it burn in a fire-safe container.

As the paper burns, imagine the negative energy between you and your ex being transformed into positive and loving energy.

Repeat this spell for seven consecutive days, focusing on your intentions each time.

Spell 2: Rose Quartz Love Spell

Obtain a rose quartz crystal, which is known for its association with love and healing.

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can perform the spell.

Hold the rose quartz crystal in your hands and close your eyes.

Visualize your ex and imagine a loving and harmonious relationship between the two of you.

Repeat a positive affirmation, such as “Our love is strong and true” or “I attract love and happiness into my life.”

Place the rose quartz crystal under your pillow before going to sleep.

Each night, before falling asleep, visualize your ex and repeat the positive affirmation.

Keep the rose quartz crystal under your pillow until you feel a positive shift in your relationship or until you feel ready to let go.

Spell 3: Honey Jar Spell

Gather the following items: a small jar with a lid, honey, a piece of paper, a pen, and personal items that belong to you and your ex (such as a strand of hair or a small item they have given you).

Find a quiet and private space where you can perform the spell.

Write your intentions on the piece of paper, focusing on the love and reconciliation you desire with your ex.

Place the personal items from you and your ex into the jar.

Pour honey into the jar, covering the personal items completely.

Close the jar tightly and hold it in your hands.

Visualize a loving and harmonious relationship with your ex, feeling the positive energy radiating from the jar.

Keep the jar in a safe and hidden place, and repeat the visualization and positive intentions daily.


Remember that spells should be used with caution and respect for the free will of others. While these spells may help you focus your intentions and energy, it is important to also take practical steps towards healing and reconciliation in your relationship.

Spells to get your ex back In United States: Spells to get your ex back

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